First & Wildest:
The Gila Wilderness at 100
Torrey House Press, March 2022
“The Gila Wilderness occupies a seminal place in the history of conservation and the philosophy of land use. And now, as this awesome kingdom of rugged real estate approaches one hundred years of age as a preserve, here is an eloquent, lyrical, and exceedingly well-timed paean—a chorus of diverse voices, united in their love for this important and sometimes overlooked gem of the American Southwest.”
—HAMPTON SIDES, New York Times bestselling author of Blood and Thunder
Seeing Silence: The Beauty of the World’s Most Quiet Places
By Pete McBride
Rizzoli, September 2021
“These essays came together because Elizabeth is the best editor in the business—an angel with a red pen.”
—Pete McBride
Life Lived Wild: Adventures at the Edge of the Map
By Rick Ridgeway
Patagonia Books, October 2021
“I’ve worked with Elizabeth for over 20 years, valuing her support getting my magazine pieces for Outside into shape, and most recently, supporting me with copy edits and—much more importantly—structural improvements to my memoir Life Lived Wild that will be published in October 2021.”
—Rick Ridgeway
Heartbreak: A Personal and Scientific Journey
By Florence Williams
W.W. Norton, February 2022
“Elizabeth is that rare and talented editor who knows you better than you know yourself. She knows what you’re trying to say and she respects your voice, but she knows how to help you think better and write better, and she doesn’t let you royally screw up. Plus she is nice about it!”
—Florence Williams, author of “The Nature Fix”